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The Namecheap Redemption Arc

Published 2022-06-04

So, dear reader, last time on the Eve Gets Fucked Chronicles, I was whining like a bitch about my problematic time with Gandi Mail.

Okay, so you'll be glad to hear that fuck all changed with the Gandi Mail part of that post. However! One little addendum I would like to make, after the event: the Namecheap support team got back in touch with me! As you can likely tell, seeing as we're back to, AS OUR FOUNDING FATHERS INTENDED.

So? What was my experience like with them?

Oh my fucking god they were so nice Jesus Christ.

Seriously - I have had to interface with many a support line over many a topic, but never have I actually had real humans respond so quickly. Obviously, there was an initial automated response, just to confirm my ticket had been logged and such. But then, I got an email more or less straight back from a real, whole-ass, carbon-based, oxygen-inhaling, carbon-dioxide-exhaling human!

And they were so lovely and helpful!

I enquired within my original support email as to exactly why they had enabled 2FA on my account - especially since I hadn't requested it. It turns out that it's part of some sort of required push for security, as, in the words of the email, "it's essential on the modern internet", which I completely agree with. I've got 2FA set up with my account now just in case of any future incidents, however.

And after that, just so I could get into my account and change all my shit across to not dead stuff, they disabled the 2FA temporarily and allowed me access to my account inside of an hour. All throughout, both customer service reps I spoke with being the most cordial, polite and helpful support people I've had the pleasure of talking to.

Okay, listen, I'm not saying that I'm a little bitch and I cried or anything over how lovely I found them to be, but... okay, yeah, that is what I'm saying. It was just so lovely of them to have helped as efficiently and as well as they did.

So, on the incredibly slim chance that anybody reading this is from Namecheap: good shit. Keep that shit going, dudes. Your customer service actually made me cry with fucking joy.

And to the regular reader, I cannot recommend that you use Namecheap enough. Their shit's fucking kino. Absolute doddle to set up your shit with.

runnin' since monday, the 28th of march, 2022.

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