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Moving Day (for my web content that is)

Published 2022-04-01

Yes, as you may have seen, namely by the big piss-off message staring you in the face prior to you clicking on this link, I rather recently decided to take the plunge and port all of the stuff over from my old Neocities page. Now, you may be asking yourself: why?

Why would I want to shift to self-hosting as opposed to using Neocities?

The answer is shockingly simple, actually; it's a bit easier for me.

Yeah, true story.

I already use a personal server for a lot of my stuff; I use it as my personal music streaming service (shoutouts to Navidrome), my personal video streaming service (using Plex), and I also maybe occasionally use it for other stuff. Such as this very website!

So, I just figured: what's the point in keeping all of my stuff on Neocities when I could just... port it to my own server?

I like this new site a lot more than my old one. It's a bit more minimal with it not having to load as much bollocks every time you click on it, whilst still maintaining most of the actually beneficial and useful bollocks, namely the about page, which allows me the luxury of being able to just send my webpage to people who want to know more.. well, about me. Turns out, it also serves to make my life infinitely easier now I'm done transferring stuff, too; instead of me having to slum it out writing every post in actual HTML, I can write my shit in Markdown now, and have it generate my pages based around that. And even better, that allows me to eschew that fuckin' awful looking .html extension on all of my links that used to hang off like worms from an apple, and is just so much infinitely easier to organise. Who knew?

Although, if you saw my prior post and wanted to hop to it and make your own website, and you're like me (i.e. broke as fuck), I cannot recommend Neocities enough; it lets you host your own website for free, and the features that it offers for that low price are more than enough to comfortably start your own webhosting fun. And, if you're not dirt poor, they have a premium option that allows you to host basically whatever the hell you want, gives you 3000GB of bandwidth and 50GB of storage, as well as remote filesystem support (which, please trust me, you will eventually carnally desire). All for $5. That shit is banging. Like, that is an amazingly good deal.

All that aside, though, I implore you, please, for the love of the baby Jesus, if you fancy expressing yourself and having some fun in a way that Twitter doesn't allow for and hasn't allowed for in years, make a website! It's a project you can chip away at in your spare time between your timeslots of being ever-so amazing, you great person, you. It's also great for nerd street cred, because not everybody hosts a website these days. Everybody else is just using Twitter or Facebook or [insert social media of the day here], but you know what? So long as your server stays up, websites are forever, motherfucker.

runnin' since monday, the 28th of march, 2022.

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