jelly's hell site

professional dumbass

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Spondolix & Videos

Published 2022-07-24

Hello! I'm writing a quick post to announce that - well, primarily, I'm not dead. Yet. After a few hospital visits and a minor-scale breakdown and some familial issues, I'm now out of the other side of it, although not entirely out of the woods. Apologies for my absence, but these conditions have been rather oppressive to put it lightly.


Now, as you may tell by the new shiny link at the top of the site, as well as the oblique name for this article, I've set up a few donation options! It should, of course, go without saying, but I absolutely do not require any money and will never charge anybody for access to my content; Christ, even for free, this shit's a rip-off, God, no. However, if you do want to sent a generous donation my way... well, first off, thank you immensely, and you have my gratitude. Secondly, just visit my donate page to see the two ways I currently have for you to support me.

Or, actually, I'll spin you a yarn about them now, why don't I?

(why you should) GIVE ME YOUR MONEY (please)

Patreon and Ko-Fi have been my choices; both are mainstream, both were piss-easy to set up, and both should be non-problematic for anybody to pay through. I shall divide my attention between both equally - I will be watching the space!

Now, as listed on both pages, you only need to give £1 to get access to most of the benefits. One Great British pound. That gets you:

-Your name listed at the end of my videos (more on this below) -Your name listed on a thank you page -Updates on the progress of blogs/videos/what have you -The knowledge that I've not keeled over and died

For £2.50, you get:

-The same as the £1 tier. Except it makes you cooler. -No, really, it's just the same.

For £8:

-You can ask me questions for Patron Q&A sessions! With the release of each blog post and/or video, I'll do an attached Q&A session. This isn't to say that you need to limit your questions to the topic of each post, though; go nuts.

If you want to pay any more than that, well, you're nuts, but you can. I absolutely cannot ever thank you enough for even £1, though - and even that isn't required. I already very much appreciate the support I get on my content regardless of monetary gain, so anything further is just icing on an already mostly icing-based cake.

Now, what's this about videos I'm mentioning?

Videos & Posts

Going forward (and indeed, hopefully going backwards), I plan to give each blogpost I make a corresponding video. This may simply be a blogpost reading with any additional thoughts I have as I read it, or I may get some friends in to discuss it more widely - it'll depend from video to video. My blogposts will maintain an unscripty feel, if that's a word? Basically, I'll be writing them in the same freeform rambly way, closer to just putting my plain thoughts down onto paper as opposed to falling into scripting. This isn't to neglect research, of course; it'll be only the tone that is more personal, without compromising or skimping on any of the information where I can.

This is a way for me to simultaneously provide multiple methods of accessing my content, as well as providing a behind-the-scenes look, seeing as it's almost guaranteed that a blogpost will precede a video post. They will be hosted on the dreaded YouTube for now, however, I may consider other options should I get shafted by Papa Google.

This does not correlate to me at all having my shit together, I can promise you that now: my schedule is non-existent. On top of that, there's other issues preventing me from fixing that - I am a sickly person with a sickly mother, living in not-too-great conditions, so I can only apologise for the inevitable delays that content production will suffer as a result of that, and I humbly request your patience in the event of anything of the sort happening. In the event that it gets too much and I feel as though I am unable to deliver you content at least once every three months, I will halt payments until the situation improves, as I would not feel comfortable simply taking money from you.

All this said, I appreciate anybody who interacts with any of my content in any capacity. Feel free to read me, watch me, pay me - or don't! It's cool, man. You do you, no worries. Only do what you absolutely can. I respect it, and I respect you. Just don't touch me.

runnin' since monday, the 28th of march, 2022.

this site brought to you by: a nerd

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